October 13, 2019

*Warren: Inmates Are ‘Entitled’ To Taxpayer-Funded Transgender Surgery:

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren claimed on Thursday night that criminals who are locked up in prison are “entitled” to taxpayer-funded gender reassignment surgery while they are in prison. Warren made the remark when she was asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo about her previous stance that it was wrong for American taxpayers to have to pay for transgender inmates to get gender reassignment surgery. “Do you regret that?” Cuomo asked.

“Yup,” Warren responded. “It was a bad answer [at the time]. I believe that everyone is entitled to medical care and medical care that they need and that includes people who are transgender who, um, it is time for them to have [transgender] surgery. I just think that’s important.”

*Theaters’ New Way to Silence Cellphones: Lock Them Up:

Cellphone interruptions are the bane of almost every performer. But now, more cultural institutions and theatrical producers in New York City are embracing a way to curb the use of the devices during shows. Namely, they are making audience members squirrel them away for the entire performance. Yondr, a company behind a lockable case that is used to store phones during shows, is gaining acceptance in more venues around town. The case (or Yondr pouch, as it is often dubbed) stays with the theatergoer throughout the performance and is locked and unlocked with the assistance of Yondr support personnel.

Freestyle Love Supreme,” a show that combines hip-hop and improvisational comedy, has become the second Broadway production to use the Yondr system. Dave Chappelle’s 10-show Broadway engagement earlier this year was the first.

*Survey Reveals ‘Alarming’ Civic Literacy Crisis Among College Graduates:

College graduates are responsible, in part, for a “knowledge crisis” regarding basic civic literacy in the United States, according to a recent survey that revealed “alarming results.” For example, less than half of college graduates surveys knew the term lengths of U.S. Senators and Representatives. A recent survey has uncovered “alarming results” which point to “a crisis in civic understanding and the urgent need for a renewed focus on civics education at the postsecondary level,” according to the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), which commissioned the survey. Among the results, 18 percent of respondents selecting Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as the author of The New Deal — a series of programs and regulations that had actually been enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s. Among college graduates, 12 percent selected Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

Moreover, 26 percent of respondents selected Brett Kavanaugh as the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, while 14 percent selected Antonin Scalia, who passed away in 2016. Among those respondents, 15 percent of college graduates selected Brett Kavanaugh, with less than half of respondents correctly selecting John Roberts. The survey, entitled, “America’s Knowledge Crisis: A Survey on Civic Literacy,” also noted that 63 percent of respondents did not know the term lengths of U.S. Senators and Representatives, with less than half of college graduates selecting the correct answer.

 *Dental Hygienist Loses License, Labeled Sex Offender For Sleeping With Client – His Wife:

Alexandru Tanase was a dental hygienist until he was stripped of his license and labeled a sexual abuser for sleeping with a patient. The woman he slept with? His own wife, but that didn’t seem to matter to the College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario.

The New York Daily News reported that Tanase “confessed to cleaning the teeth of Sandi Mullins… on several occasions between April 2015 and August 2016.” The two were engaged at the time and are currently married. For three years, Tanase attempted to fight the allegations against him, arguing that he wrongly believed a Canadian law that allowed dentists to work on their significant others applied to hygienists.

On Facebook, Tanase said he thought the bill would be helpful for his wife, whom he said “suffers from dental fear and anxiety like so many other clients.” After one of the treatments, his wife, Sandi Mullins, posted a picture with Tanase. The former dental hygienist wrote on Facebook that in the “summer of 2016, a complaint was filed with the CDHO by a former friend and Facebook acquaintance of my wife’s, who saw a photo my wife posted, saying how happy she was with her dentist and what an amazing dental hygienist she had.”

 *One in 7 Adults in New Orleans Has a Warrant Out For Arrest, New
Data Shows:

There are more than 56,000 outstanding warrants in New Orleans’s Municipal Court, dating to 2002, according to city data. A staggering 1 of 7 adults in the country’s 50th-largest city have a warrant out for their arrest. Typically, the crime is failing to appear for scheduled court dates for minor, nonviolent offenses that do not carry a jail sentence, including panhandling and fishing without a license. (Two notable exceptions are battery and domestic abuse, which account for roughly 6 percent of all the warrants.) Anderson characterizes most of them as old nuisance crimes bogging down an already overburdened criminal justice system.

 *YIKES! – Jeff Bezos Would Pay $9 billion a Year in Wealth Taxes Under Bernie Sanders’ Plan:

Jeff Bezos would pay about $9 billion in taxes this year under Sen. Bernie Sanders’ proposed wealth tax. As part of his primary campaign and efforts to outflank the rise of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sanders announced a wealth tax Tuesday morning that would hit multibillionaires like Bezos especially hard. The Amazon CEO would pay more in annual wealth taxes than the net worth of the 50th richest American as listed by Forbes. “I don’t think billionaires should exist,” Sanders told the New York Times. If his tax plan were put into effect, billionaires would lose half their wealth in 15 years, provided all other factors (like their stock prices or business values) remained constant.

 *Eagles Plot 2020 ‘Hotel California’ Tour  – Band will Perform 1976 Classic in its Entirety During Multi-City Trek:

The Eagles will play their classic 1976 album Hotel California in its entirety during a 2020 North American tour. The run kicks off with a two-night stand at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, February 7th and 8th.

The band will then play two shows each in New York City, Dallas, Houston and San Francisco before wrapping April 17th and 18th at The Forum in Los Angeles.


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In 1930, the twinkie was invented in Chicago by Jimmy Dewar, who is said to have named the popular snack after a Twinkle Toe Shoe‘s advertisement.


Mila Kunis sneaks a cigarette.


Did You Know These Surprising Ways To Use Rose Water?

From ancient times with Cleopatra, and today’s beauty generation, Rose Water is the secret beauty potion to beautiful skin, wellness and hydration. From its anti-aging and antioxidant rich composition, Rose Water can ultimately be your next natural health and beauty weapon. 

H2rOse is the very first Rose Water and Saffron infused beverage to help make you look and feel beautiful from the inside out. Rose Water has anti-aging properties that can help improve your skin complexion, while Saffron is a powerful antioxidant that helps elevate your mood and naturally curb the appetite. 

Nicknamed ‘The Fountain of Youth’, Rose Water has amazing properties to help rejuvenate your skin and cleanse your body, which is why H2rOse only pours the finest quality into every refreshing bottle. 

Besides drinking H2rOse, here are 4 more ways to use Rose Water: 

1.    Rose Water can be applied on the skin directly as a toner.
2.    Rose Water can be used as a mouthwash alternative. 
3.    Rose Water can be added to your bath. 
4.    Rose Water can be added to your hair. 

Perfect for any lifestyle, H2rOse will allow you to reap the benefits of beauty and health from within! Curious to try? Find a store location near you.  


Vince Imhoff, Managing Director of Imhoff & Associates, Warns About 5 Common DUI Mistakes

Vince Imhoff, the managing director of Imhoff and Associates, was recently chosen by the “Best of Los Angeles Award” community as one of L.A.’s 100 most fascinating people, according to Aurora DeRose, award coordinator for the “Best of Los Angeles Award” community. Now, the talented attorney provides an inside look by sharing the 5 biggest mistakes that people make after being arrested for drunk driving.


1. “I blew over the limit. I might as well plead guilty.”

“People incorrectly believe that because they blew over the limit, they can’t win so they might as well plead guilty and get it over with,” explains Vince Imhoff, “that’s because OVI (Operating a Vehicle while under the Influence) sounds like a very cut-and-dried case. If you are over 0.08% you are going to be found guilty, right? Wrong. Depending on the situation, the test might be inadmissible. If it is inadmissible it cannot be used against you. If it cannot be used against you then, for criminal law purposes, it is like it never happened.”

Read more here: 


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Five (5) members of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s staff along with 12 members of the White House staff, 3 Nobel Prize winners, over 100 Academy Award winners, 6 U.S. Senators, and over 300 Grammy Award winners.