September 29, 2019

*WOKE BARBIE: Mattel Releases Gender Neutral Dolls To ‘Meet Demand From Children’:

Toy company Mattel on Wednesday launched a new line of dolls that are “gender inclusive” because, you know, kids everywhere are demanding them. Called “Creatable World,” the line allows children to interchange hair, clothes, and accessories on the dolls — meaning they can be both male and female. “We see this line as an opportunity for us to open up that dialogue around what dolls are for and who dolls are for,” said Kim Culmone, senior vice president of Mattel Fashion Doll Design. “And also as the world begins the celebrate the positive impact of inclusivity, we absolutely fundamentally believed it was time to launch a doll line free of labels and free of rules for kids.”

The company says the new line is in response to demand. “Kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms.” Mattel consulted pediatricians on how to make the dolls gender-neutral — including pediatrician and author Cara Natterson. Natterson praised Mattel, saying “A collection like this just knocks down every barrier to play,” the Daily Mail reported. “Through research, we heard that kids don’t want their toys dictated by gender norms. This line allows all kids to express themselves freely which is why it resonates so strongly with them.”

“We’re hopeful Creatable World will encourage people to think more broadly about how all kids can benefit from doll play,” she said. The toy company said it worked alongside a “dedicated team of experts, parents, physicians, and most importantly, kids” to come up with six different kits with varying skin tones.The doll kits sell for $29.99.

 *Why Are Marriage Rates Down? Study Blames Lack Of ‘Economically-Attractive’ Men:

Marriage rates have steadily declined over the past few decades, and now researchers from Cornell University are offering up a possible explanation: there just aren’t as many economically-attractive men for unmarried women to meet as there used to be. Previous studies had attempted to answer why marriage rates are on the decline, but most focused solely on gender ratio discrepancies as opposed to looking into the specific socioeconomic characteristics that make a particular man and woman a good match.

First, the study’s authors examined data collected on recent marriages between 2007-2012 and 2013-2017, gathered as part of the American Community Survey’s cumulative 5-year marriage statistics. That data was used to estimate the financial and sociodemographic characteristics of unmarried women’s potential husbands by creating economic profiles that resembled real husbands who had married comparable women. These potential husband estimates were then compared to actual population data on unmarried men across national, state, and local locations.

Researchers found that these estimated potential “dream” husbands had an average income about 58% higher than the actual unmarried men currently available to unmarried women. These synthetic husbands were also 30% more likely to be employed than real single men and 19% more likely to have a college degree.

 *STILL UNSURE? – Extreme Weather Displaced Seven Million People in First Half of 2019:

This year’s weather is set to be one of the most disastrous on record after new figures showed that weather events displaced a record seven million people from their homes in the first six months of 2019. That’s more people than during the same period in any other year in history. The number comes from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center, which compiled data from governments, the United Nations, and media reports.

“In today’s changing climate, mass displacement triggered by extreme-weather events is becoming the norm,” the group said in its report. The New York Times reports the numbers show two main developments—that extreme-weather events are becoming even more extreme, and that governments are becoming better at preparing for them with evacuations. The numbers don’t include Hurricane Dorian’s devastation of the Bahamas.

 *’An App My Cat Could Have Written’: Larry Ellison Reportedly Says Uber’s Business Model is ‘Almost Worthless’:

The billionaire entrepreneur Larry Ellison, who cofounded Oracle, didn’t mince words when it came to Uber and its cohort of ultravaluable tech companies, according to a new report in Barron‘s.  The financial magazine reported that the 75-year-old hosted a small cohort of entrepreneurs at his home in a posh neighborhood of San Francisco, where he spent an hour answering questions about topics as varied as the gig economy, WeWork, and Tesla.

Uber, despite a $57.5 billion market capitalization following its May IPO, is “almost worthless,” Ellison reportedly said, adding that the company didn’t own cars or control its drivers and had an “app my cat could have written.”

*Flu Season Alert: Hand Sanitizer Not Very Effective Against Virus Strain, Study Warns:

Flu season is fast approaching, which means millions will be using hand sanitizer more often in an effort to protect themselves from a flu infection. Most people, including medical professionals, believe that flu viruses are quickly neutralized after coming into contact with an ethanol-based sanitizer, but a new study finds that isn’t the case for at least one flu strain. Researchers from Kyoto Profectural University of Medicine in Japan have discovered that the influenza A virus (IAV) remains active and infectious within infected wet mucus even after being exposed to an ethanol-based sanitizer — for two full minutes. According to their research, it took nearly four minutes of exposure to a sanitizer to completely deactivate the virus.

 *Emmys Audience Falls to Record Low:

Sunday night’s Primetime Emmys Awards show posted the worst initial ratings in the program’s 71-year history. Airing on Fox, television ratings for the Emmys continued their downward spiral, Deadline Hollywood reported Monday: “TV’s biggest night had its worst night ever. The 5.7/10 in metered market results that the Emmys snared is the lowest rating the annual ceremony has achieved in early metrics – coming off successive years of new lows in an age of endangered awards shows.” The host free Emmys is down 23% from last year’s Monday evening ceremony of September 17, 2018.” Ratings were also down 34.5% from 2015, the last time the show aired on Fox.

 *Megan Fox Defends Letting Her 6-Year-Old Son Wear Dresses To School:

After revealing her appreciation for motherhood last week, “Transformers” actress Megan Fox then defended her decision to let her 6-year-old son Noah wear dresses to school. Speaking with “The Talk“, Megan Fox said that her son sometimes wants to wear dresses to his “liberal, hippy” school, and she allows him to pick the outfit he desires despite the ridicule he faces from other boys. “Sometimes, he’ll dress himself and he likes to wear dresses, sometimes,” Fox said, as reported by Fox News. “And I send him to a really liberal, hippy school, but even there – here in California – he still has little boys going, ‘Boys don’t wear dresses,’ or ‘Boys don’t wear pink.’”

“So we’re going through that now, where I’m trying to teach him to be confident no matter what anyone else says,” she continued. Fox went on to say that her son stopped wearing dresses for a while before resuming the practice again. She claims it stems from his profound love of fashion.” He had stopped wearing dresses for a while. He just wore one two days ago to school, and he came home and I was like, ‘How was it? Did any of the friends at school have anything to say?’” Fox said. “And he was like, ‘Well, all the boys laughed when I came in, but I don’t care, I love dresses too much.’”


An incredible 84% of LBN Examiner readers in all 50 of the United States and 26 foreign countries find the news in LBN Examiner —- “fearlessly independent” and “unbiased”.


The Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area report on the impact of legalization in Colorado is devastating for those pushing legalization. The report found:
•    Traffic deaths where drivers tested positive for marijuana increased 109 percent.
•    Traffic deaths involving drivers who tested positive for marijuana more than doubled between 2013 and 2018.
•    The percentage of all Colorado traffic deaths that were marijuana-related increased from 15 percent in 2013 to 23 percent in 2018.
•    Marijuana use in the past month for children ages 12 and up increased 58 percent, and is 78 percent higher than the national average.
•    Adult marijuana use increased 94 percent, and is 96 percent higher than the national average.
•    The yearly number of emergency room visits related to marijuana increased 54 percent after legalization.
•    Marijuana-related hospitalizations increased 101 percent after legalization.
•    Suicides where toxicology results were positive for marijuana increased from 14 percent in 2013 to 23 percent in 2017.


Weird animals in the airline cabin even include pigs. Emotional support animals are different from service animals, in that they do not help their owners with a disability. Instead, they provide help for problems including PTSD, anxiety or depression.While a number of airlines are banning some emotional support animals, many still allow them on.


An exotic dancer arrested by undercover cops testifies in court, Florida 1983.


Welcome to Episode #2 of the “Best of Without Notes,” with Susan Estrich, an American lawyer, professor, and author  – Episode 2:


I Was A Playboy Rabbit and Other Adventures is a best-seller (on Amazon) by award-winning writer, director, producer, actor and comedian Jeff Rector.

I Was A Playboy Rabbit chronicles the five-year period (1982-1987), when Jeff worked as a “Rabbit“, the male version of a Playboy Bunny for Hugh Hefner at the NYC Playboy Empire Club and contains over 30 color photographs from that period. Also during that time, Jeff was Charlie Sheen‘s stand-in on Oliver Stone‘s film Wall Street and Tom Cruise‘s stand-in on the film Cocktail. I Was A Playboy Rabbit is chocked full of humorous stories and anecdotes, from hanging out with Charlie, going to parties at The Playboy Mansion, crashing the very first MTV Awards at Tavern-On-The-Green and partying with David Lee Roth of Van Halen and Huey Lewis and more. Jeff also talks about dating, being a waiter to support himself and several “wins” along the way.

I Was A Playboy Rabbit is also inspirational for actors and performers that struggle to achieve their dreams of working in Hollywood and that hard work and persistence can indeed pay-off.  Jeff has over 100 film/television credits and is an award-winning filmmaker and public speaker with Toastmasters.

I Was A Playboy Rabbit and Other Stories is available through Amazon and Victory Publishing. 


Jeffrey D. Hatchell, Acclaimed Author, Gives a Fresh Perspective on How to Manage Change at Work

If you ask most people in business if change is good, they would respond in the affirmative. Many understand the importance of change to grow, develop and improve results. After all, many businesses that don’t grow or adapt with current times face a bitter end, something seen every year inside business circles. However, according to a Forbes article, 62% of people surveyed about change prefer the status quo.

“I recognize that most of us may say, ‘change is good’ but do we really feel that way?” asks Jeffrey D. Hatchell, an established author and motivational speaker, “If you get a little anxious about the prospect of change you are normal. However, learning to reframe how we perceive change can make a big difference in how we handle those situations. We’ve all heard comments like control the controllable and not to worry about things outside of our control. It’s important to also look in the mirror and determine what we need to do to change ourselves or create a paradigm shift to believe change is good for us.”

Hatchell is a certified executive coach, a corporate facilitator and a motivational speaker. He focuses on leadership development through executive coaching, team building workshops and motivational speaking. His company “Over the Top Coaching” won the prestigious award of Supplier of the Year by the Northern California Supplier Development Council.

*EXAMINER–COMMENTARY by Charlie Daniels:
It will only stop when people in authority in this country gain enough common sense and courage to say “NO.” We have come to the point that when politicians find it expedient to their political career they completely forsake common sense and say it’s alright to break certain laws, to encourage certain behavior, to allow certain brown shirt-type groups like Antifa to hurt citizens and destroy property without punishing them. It’s alright for Black Lives Matter to shout slogans about frying policemen like pigs in a blanket or wanting dead cops.

It’s alright for certain cities to ignore federal immigration laws and give sanctuary to people whose backgrounds, criminal records or health conditions they know nothing about. It’s alright to turn sections of some of America’s greatest cities into garbage piles, to scatter feces on the streets and to create scenarios that could, at any time, cause an epidemic of disease that could spread like wildfire and sicken and kill thousands of people. It’s alright for United States Congresswomen to deride and insult the only real ally we have in the Middle East and defend terrorists and radicals.

Such is modern-day liberalism – the unwillingness to say “no,” the godless fallacy that anything goes, the notion that there is no right or wrong, no ethics, no genders, no respect for unborn life, no proven paths of civility, no laws that can’t be bent or broken, and if it feels good, do it.There is a word for it. It’s called anarchy, and it is a one-way path to chaos.


Actress Lindsay Lohan along with 12 members of the White House staff, 3 Nobel Prize winners, over 100 Academy Award winners, 6 U.S. Senators, and over 300 Grammy Award winners.